Hoopeston Area High School has created a direct link from our high school homepage for you to be able to see scholarship opportunities and access applications for potential scholarships. From our high school homepage, simply click "MENU." Under "ACADEMICS" you will see a link to our "SCHOLARSHIPS" page. This page will be continually updated throughout the year as more scholarships and scholarship information becomes available. #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
Parents: Please take a few minutes to complete the 5Essentials survey at the link below. We appreciate your feedback on Hoopeston Area High School’s climate and culture. This survey will close on January 18, 2019. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
Kolin Dugle and other HAHS seniors attended the fall Youth Advisory Council at ISU, hosted by State Senator Jason Barickman.
over 5 years ago, Thomas Sage
Senior Kolin Dugle shares with local media his experience at State Senator Barickman's Youth Advisory Council.
Faces of Winter. Cornjerker Girls Basketball #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Cornjerker Girls Basketball
Faces of Winter. Cornjerker Wrestling. #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Cornjerker Wrestling
HAHS Boys Basketball showing off their skills at Meet the Jerkers Night!! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
HAHS Basketball
HAHS Basketball
HAHS Basketball
HAHS Bowling, HAHS Wrestling, and HAHS Cheerleaders are ready for the winter season!! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
The HAHS Girls Basketball team is starting us off at the 2019 Meet the Jerkers Winter Preview!! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
Girls Basketball
Meet the Jerkers
Due to weather conditions and poor road conditions, all extra-curricular practices and activities have been cancelled for today.
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
HAHS Bowling playing host to Taylorville. Let’s go Cornjerkers!!! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
HAHS Bowling
HAHS Bowling
HAHS Bowling
If you didn't take Physics to calculate the frictional forces affecting the world's largest crane, why did you even bother? #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Adam Elliott
Physics - 4th hr - Friction crane
Sandie Smith from Country Financial Insurance here in Hoopeston, came into our Driver Ed Class to help educate our students about auto insurance. We really appreciated her expertise on this very important driver education subject. Thank you so much Mrs. Smith!
over 5 years ago, Ross Bryll
Hoopeston’s Country Financial’s Mrs. Sandie Smith talking about all there is to know about auto insurance.
Reminder: The 5Essentials Survey is given every year to students, staff, and parents of Hoopeston Area High School students. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at the link below. We appreciate your feedback on Hoopeston Area High School’s climate and culture. This survey will close on January 18, 2019. http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
HAHS students performing at the second night of the play, “You Can’t Take It With You.” We have some amazingly talented drama students for sure!! #CornjerkerPride
over 5 years ago, John Klaber
Fall Play
Fall Play
Fall Play
Last day at the National FFA Convention! #cornjerkerpride
over 5 years ago, Wendy Ochs
HAHS FFA at National FFA Convention
HAHS fall play looking good in “You can’t take it with you”.
over 5 years ago, Kimberly Hutzel
Marketing Merchandise students making a video for the Spirit Store with the help of some Maple students.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Spirit Store
Mas preparaciones para el Dia de los Muertos
over 5 years ago, Michele Kachmar
Jadyn, Elisa y Cortez hacen decoraciones
Mas preparaciones del Dia de los Muertos
over 5 years ago, Michele Kachmar
Rosa con su papel picado
Las preparaciones para el Dia de los Muertos
over 5 years ago, Michele Kachmar
Isamar decora tambien