Students having fun with Robotics and programming in Mrs. Ankenbrand’s class! #CornjerkerPride

HAHS Choirs performing at the Fischer Theater with the Danville Barbershop Chorus. A spectacular night of music! #CornjerkerMusic #Cornjerkerpride

The HS band performing at the Christmas Concert! #CornjerkerPride

HAHS Choir performing at the Winter Christmas Concert. #CornjerkerPride

The HIgh School/Middle School Christmas Concert is underway!! #CornjerkerPride

2nd group making their Quadratic Formula Video

Making their Quadratic Formula Video

The HAHS boys bowling team competing at Springfield today. #CornjerkerPride

Try something new painting party. Students painted a winter scene and had hot cocoa☃️

These girls were the best elves Mrs. Samet says she has ever had on my Magical Express bus. They sang their hearts out all night! “ The best way to spread Christmas Cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.”- Buddy the Elf

More “Try Something New Day” activities.

Mrs. Boyer, with assistance from Mrs. McClure and Miss Morgeson, has helped students get creative on Try Something New Day. These students are creating Christmas ornaments and cards! #HAHSPride #CornjerkerPride #ChristmasSpirit

Other “Try Something New Day” activities include Breakout Boxes, Shirt Tye-Dying, and Holiday Card Making. #CornjerkerPride

Today is “Try Something New Day” where students got to choose from a variety of activities to participate in. In Mrs. Noel’s class they are making candles and lotion! #CornjerkerPride

High schoolers learning how to tie dye.

On Thur Dec. 12th students at HAHS will complete the 5Essentials Survey. A form was given to students today in their English classes to bring home with information about the survey. If you choose to have your student not participate, the informational paper contains a waiver that must be signed and returned to the HS office by Tue Dec. 10th. #CornjerkerPride

The Cornjerker Spirit Store will be open December 4th from 5:30 to 7, Everything will be 20% off. We will have gifts, stocking stuffers, and apparel. We will be printing sweatshirts and t-shirts, so come on out and choose your design. Please enter through the HS library.

HAHS Lady Cornjerkers WIN vs Westville 50-23 at the Comet Classic in Oakwood!!!! Great job ladies! Cornjerker Pride!

Mrs. Noel’s classes earlier today making ice cream in science classes! Yummy! #CornjerkerPride

HAHS Horticulture 2 students completed a fall wreath design. #HAHSPride