#John Greer - Thank you again for your patience. PLEASE read the information entitled "John Greer December Closure 2" found at the John Greer School Website > Menu > Documents
We care deeply about the health of your children, our staff, and their children. During the last closure, the building was thoroughly sanitized by our custodial staff and others. At one point, I found paraprofessionals on their hands/knees scrubbing crevices in our STEM Lab with toothbrushes and small picks. Many other examples could be given. Yet, a day and half after students returned from being gone for 7 days, we had numerous students and staff test positive for Covid.
While there are a wide variety of opinions regarding Covid, there's always a fine line between the importance of in-person instruction and the safety of the public's health. After collaborative discussions last night and today, the decision was made to have an Adaptive Pause at John Greer from December 13 - 17.
Please note in the posted document that work packets will be available on Tuesday at John Greer from 8 AM to 4 PM.
If you have questions, please send them to me in a private Dojo Message.
John Greer School Closure 2
December 11, 2021