DACC MANUFACTURING Day 2018 #CornjerkerPride #CJP
over 6 years ago, Landon Hawkins
Electricity and Robotics
DACC MANUFACTURING Day 2018 #CornjerkerPride #CJP
over 6 years ago, Landon Hawkins
Air Cannon
over 6 years ago, Landon Hawkins
DACC Manufacturing Day #CornjerkerPride #CJP
HAHS 10th graders exploring manufacturing careers at DACC #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Kimberly Hutzel
Manufacturing day
Seniors in Anatomy working on life-sized anatomically correct skeletal diagrams #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Adam Elliott
Anatomy - Skeletal Diagrams
Anatomy - Skeletal Diagrams
DACC Manufacturing Day 2018
over 6 years ago, Landon Hawkins
DACC Manufacturing Day 2018 #CornjerkerPride #CJP
All Sophomores will be attending the DACC Manufacturing and Technology Day on Friday, October 12. We will leave school at 8:15 and return at approximately 11:45. Students who have 1st lunch will be eating 2nd lunch on Friday. We are looking forward to this great opportunity for our sophomore students!
over 6 years ago, John Klaber
Congrats to the HAHS soccer team on their thrilling overtime win versus BHRA in penalty kicks! The Jerkers advance to the regional final on Saturday! #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, John Klaber
Preparing to play Dwight this Friday!
over 6 years ago, Glenn Brewer
What's a little mud?
On Columbus Day select HS/MS students went to Bloomington HS to audition for ILMEA district & all state band and choir! #cornjerkermusic
over 6 years ago, Rochelle Morgeson
Financial Aid Workshop for tonight from 5:00-7:00 pm has been cancelled due to problems with the FAFSA site. We will be looking to set up a new date and time for the workshop as quickly as possible once the issues with FAFSA sire have been fixed. Thanks and have a great day!
over 6 years ago, John Klaber
Keegan Roark watches his approach shot during Sectional play at Danville Country Club #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Dylan Swank
A few of the New Direction HS Show Choir kids staying late to learn show choreography.
over 6 years ago, Rochelle Morgeson
#NewDirection #CornjerkerPride
HASAAP Cheerleaders in Pink to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. #cornjerkerpride #breastcancerawarenessmonth #fridaynightlights
over 6 years ago, Heidi Crouch
HAHS learning about fun ways to increase student engagement in their classrooms! #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Kimberly Hutzel
10/5 PD
Food Science classes baking apple pies to experiment with food sensory. #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Kimberly Hutzel
Food Science class
11th grade students prepping for the PSAT-prepping for college! #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Kimberly Hutzel
PSAT prep
Bio 2 students using microscopes to investigate protists #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Adam Elliott
1st Hr Bio 2
Bio 2 students using microscopes to investigate protists #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Adam Elliott
1st Hr Bio 2
Alyssa Yaden takes a swing during IHSA golf Regional play #CornjerkerPride
over 6 years ago, Dylan Swank
Alyssa Yaden