Sophomore Payton Armstrong hitting into the fairway on hole #11 at IHSA Golf Sectionals. Go Payton! #CornjerkerPride

Good luck Cornjerker Cross Country runners at the Prairie Central Invite #cornjerkerpride

HA Staff working to “Breakout” with Breakout Edu during today’s teachers institute. #CornjerkerPride

Freshman setting up their College board accounts for the PSAT!

Tech Camp with Emily Brown. #cornjerkerpride

Congratulations to Payton Armstrong for advancing to IHSA Sectionals in golf!

HAHS Soccer Senior Night is underway with HAHS playing BHRA!!! Let’s go Jerkers!!! #CornjerkerPride

Creating life-sized scalar skeletal diagrams in Anatomy! #cornjerkerpride

Driver Ed students using goggles that simulate intoxication, drug impairment, and drowsiness.

Driver Ed mock field sobriety tests using goggles that simulate intoxication.

Physics throwdown! Head-to-head competition calculating projectile motion using 2-D kinematics. Winner gets pizza for lunch tomorrow!

Students in Anatomy learning how to use Forensic Anthropology to determine characteristics of an individual from their skeleton #cornjerkerpride

Lady Cornjerkers getting warmed up for their Pink Night vs. Oakwood. #CornjerkerPride

This is a reminder that tonight’s financial aid workshop will be from 5 to 7 PM in the high school library. We ask that all attendees park in the back of the school and enter through the library entrance. Thanks and have a great evening!

Bio 2 learning to work with live samples looking at protists under the microscopes #cornjerkerpride

Students participate in the Human Knot to demonstrate employable skills.

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2019 Homecoming Dance!! #CornjerkerPride

2019 HAHS Homecoming Dance about to begin!!! #CornjerkerPride

Congrats to the Lady Cornjerkers who won in three sets against Iroquois West!!! Way to go ladies!!!