More pictures from the Vermilion County Track Meet. #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, John Klaber
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
More pictures from the county track meet. #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, John Klaber
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
The Vermilion County Track Meet is underway! This years meet is being held at Salt Fork. Let's go Jerkers! #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, John Klaber
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
track meet
High School students got to enjoy bowling over this week as a reward for hitting 3rd quarter goals. Thanks to Doug and Fast Lanes for accommodating us! #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, Kimberly Hutzel
Ms. Reyes took time today to talk with her 4th Hr math class about her Philippines cultural exchange as well as having a Zoom meeting with some of her former students. Thanks Mrs. Reyes! #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, John Klaber
Cultural Exchange
Cultural Exchange
Cultural Exchange
Cultural Exchange
Today our health classes learned about CPR and were also able to get some hands on training! #CornjerkerPride
11 months ago, Kimberly Hutzel
HAHS Parents: Vermilion County is trying to get a grant to help bring broadband connectivity to the county's rural areas. They are asking for school communities to complete the following survey:
11 months ago, John Klaber
HAHS Students and Parents, This is just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday, April 3rd, is PSAT testing for Freshmen and Sophomores and SAT testing for Juniors.  The juniors who turned in their permission slips will be dismissed for the day when they have completed their SAT. All other students will continue on with their regular schedule.  As a reminder, Seniors will not be reporting to school on Wednesday, April 3rd, due to testing. It is important that all students who are testing get a good night's rest and have their Chromebooks fully charged and ready to go, as this year's tests are all online. Students, please bring your Chromebook chargers with you to school.
11 months ago, John Klaber
HAHS Students and Parents, This is just a reminder that this Wednesday, April 3rd, Freshman and Sophomore students will be completing the PSAT test in the morning. When they are finished, they will return to their normal schedule. Junior students will be taking their SAT tests in the morning. When they are completed, the juniors who turned in their permission slips will be dismissed for the day. Seniors will not be reporting to school on Wednesday, April 3rd, due to testing. It is important that all students who are testing get a good night's rest and have their Chromebooks fully charged and ready to go, as this year's tests are all online. Students, please bring your Chromebook chargers with you to school.
11 months ago, John Klaber
PSAT/SAT Testing Info
Congratulations to Vivian Walsh on qualifying for the Illinois Indoor top times track meet for Class 1A in High Jump!! She will compete tomorrow at Illinois Wesleyan University. Goodluck Viv!
12 months ago, Erika Seidel
Part of the Mario team in action against Maroa-Forsyth.
12 months ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Mario match
HAHS Student Council is hosting a Blood Drive today #CornjerkerPride
12 months ago, Ashley Gondzur
The Hoopeston Area High School would like to thank the following businesses for supporting our Career Fair. We hope to see you again and many more next year. McDonald's, Nutrien Ag Solutions, Autumn Fields, First Farmers, First Financial, Cee Lee Photography, DACC College, Silgan, AHW, and Hoopeston Area Schools.
12 months ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Career Fair 2024
Career Fair
Prize giveaways at the Career Fair.
12 months ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
Career Fair
Career Fair
Hoopeston Area's first Career Fair.
12 months ago, Mrs. Ankenbrand
career fair
Career Fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
career fair
This is just a reminder that the high school will be hosting a Career Night this evening from 5:00-6:30 pm in the MS Cafeteria. Students, parents, and the community are invited to attend! We will be offering free food and your chance to win various gift cards throughout the event! #CornjerkerPride
12 months ago, John Klaber
Career Night
Seniors, This is just a reminder that many of our local scholarships have their applications due at the end of this week. Please be sure to get them into Mr. Lawson before Spring Break! Don't miss out on a chance for free money for college! To see a list of many of the available local, area, and state scholarships, please follow the link below:
12 months ago, John Klaber
Apply for Scholarships
Baseball and softball are playing at home on this Friday night. Come out and cheer them both on to victories!#CornjerkerPride
12 months ago, Kimberly Hutzel
The FFA greenhouse is starting to bloom and is getting ready for the annual plant sale. Look for it at the end of April!#CornjerkerPride
12 months ago, Kimberly Hutzel
Up next at the Vermilion County Music Festival is the honor choir. Congratulations to all of our HAHS students who participated! The choir sounds awesome! #CornjerkerPride
12 months ago, John Klaber
honor choir
honor choir
honor choir
honor choir