Attention HAHS Students and Parents,
Wednesday, April 13th will be SAT and PSAT testing at HAHS. The SAT test is for juniors and the PSAT test is for our freshmen and our sophomores.
SAT Testing: On the morning of testing, juniors will be served a hot breakfast and then will be bused to a testing location in town. At the completion of testing, they will be served lunch and will be bused back to school. Once they return to school, they will be dismissed for the remainder of the day. Any student needing to ride the bus will stay and work in the auditorium for the remainder of the school day.
PSAT Testing: Freshmen and Sophomores will be allowed to get breakfast as normal and then will go to their assigned testing room in the school. Since the testing will go through first lunch, all students will report to their 5th hour after testing and all students will then eat during the second lunch period. After the second lunch period is over, all freshmen and sophomores will then report to their 6th hour and finish out their schedule as normal
PLEASE NOTE: Due to state testing, seniors will not be in attendance at school on April 13th.