Academic Tutoring Program

HAHS Students and Parents:  

Through our district partnership with Gear Up, we are pleased to again bring back to our students free access to tutoring help through  This service allows 24/7 access for students to get help in any subject from tutors and teachers all across the US.  You can upload your questions or homework and get direct help from a live tutor!  To log in, please go to:  

Here are the login instructions that are also available at the bottom of the homepage:

  1. Log in using First Initial + Last Name + # Day of your Birthday as your username. (ie: Kimberly Korando, born on May 27 = kkorando27)
  2. Your password is "ILGUtutoring".

Here are the links to a 6 minute step-by-step video guide for students in English and Spanish.  Other demo videos can be found on the YouTube channel.  I’ve attached electronic versions of the log-in instructions as well.