HAHS Students and Parents:
Mark your calendars! Parent-Teacher Conferences for 1st semester are on Wednesday, October 25th, from 3:00-6:30 pm, and Thursday, October 26th, from 3:00-6:30 pm. The high school will be hosting in-person conferences on both nights. You do not need to make any appointments and simply come at your convenience. We look forward to meeting with all our parents and students to talk about all the great things our students are doing this year!
This year we will also be hosting our Financial Aid/FAFSA Night at 5:30 pm in the high school library, the first night of conferences on October 25th. This is a great opportunity for parents to learn about financial aid for college as well as learn about how to fill out the FAFSA which is a requirement for seniors to graduate. We encourage all senior parents to attend. Those who attend will be entered in our gift card drawing.
During conferences, we will also have a sign-up for parent volunteers to sit on our Parent's Advisory Committee. For more information or to express your interest, please reach out to Mr. Klaber.