The grant-funded construction taking place in front of HAMS/HAHS is a cafeteria addition which will allow for better scheduling and space for meal times. The entire construction project is funded by Federal ESSER II and ESSER III Federal grant dollars. The cafeteria construction is one part of a multi-phase project that includes asbestos abatement of Hoopeston Area Middle School, and installation of new air handlers in Hoopeston Area Middle School as well. The asbestos abatement phase two will begin on June 6, 2022 once school has been dismissed for this school year. The cafeteria expansion was slated for phase one as most of the work is outdoors. Site preparation required a memorial tree to be removed. There is a plan to replace the tree in the school yard. Pavers that lined the entrance to the gymnasium have been secured, and an appropriate place to display the pavers will be selected once construction has been completed. Thank you for your patience as we progress through these projects to improve our schools.